SPE South Texas Section

Educational Activities IPOC

International Polyolefins Conference Educational Program

The SPE International Polyolefin Conference Supports SPE students by doing the following:

1) With STX’s help, the Polyolefins Conference identifies up to 5 SPE students from each of the 8 schools that STX supports.  The Polyolefins Conference provides the 5 students with:

     a) Free Registration to the conference

     b) Free hotel rooms at the conference

     c) A student dinner on Sunday night at the conference where they meet with SPE members to talk about careers in plastics.  Faculty advisors from the schools are also included

    d) 3 of the 5 students can participate in a student poster competition where $1,100 in prizes are awarded by the conference

e) 1 of the 5 students from each school receives a $1,000 scholarship from the conference.  That student is selected by the faculty advisor from each school. 

 2) All SPE student from the 8 schools receives free registration to attend the conference virtually

3) SPE students across the nation can register for the Polyolefin Conference in person for only $100 ( a $800 discount).  They can attend the conference virtually for $10 ( a $190 discount).

IPOC 2024 Student Scholarship Winners